Friday, July 3, 2009

Enduros !!

I was a little nervous to do my first enduros back in Canada. I had such a good ride in South Africa but due to the weather and the schedule it was going to be a while until i could test the legs.

The TransStoney was going to be the firstof the year but there was a ABA Cup race teh day before at the same venue. Oh well it is all training right??

The Bacon Buffet went well I was able to hold a good start pace and stay with Dead Goats Devin and Craig. We went in circles for about 2 hours and got a third out of the day. I was feeling pretty good but was curious how the next day would go.

The TransStoney worked out much better than expected. I darted off the front and Craig Stapler and I rode away after getting back on course due to my wrong turn. We rode together for about 3 hours. It was awesome! I really like riding/racing Craig. he is a great competitor and strong rider. We kept the pace high and roade with each other and were very gentlemanly about the whole thing. He asked if I was stopping for a pit, I said Yes so he stopped too. He slowed to ask one of his teammates if they were okay after a mechnical and I waited for him. I fed him M&Ms in the pits. We wanted to settle it on the course. At about 3 and a half hours Craig dropped back a bit and I "attacked", as much as you "attack" in an enduro. I increased the pace just a bit but kept on it for 2 laps. I could not see him at some of the vantage points so it was my race to win. I stayed with the plan and kept fueling each lap and using time markers to keep the pace. After being rained on and 6 hours I won the first Trans Stoney event. A good start to the season.

The next weekend was the Salty Dog. One of my most favorite races and courses around. The climbs are challenging but do-able. Most of your vertical is on a dirt road and the single track down is so much fun. They have a Salty Pup race for the kids that runs at the same time.
This is a grass roots race that invites all levels of riders to join th fun. It was really cool that our Boys week of riding ended with the race. Rob, Habs, and Ryan threw their hats in the ring with Rob and Habs doing a duo team jamming out 7 laps and Ryan getting 7 laps as well. This was Robbs first race and he may have got the bug.

I had a pretty good cold going but somehow that did not effect the performance? The motivation was low but I just kept doing a lap at a time and thought I could pull out at any time. I didn't though. I just held a steady pace and kept going and going. 3rd oveall with 9 laps in a faster time then last year. I paid for it the next week. I didn't really get out of bed on Monday and Tuesday and thook it easy for the follwoing week.

All that was on the calander for the next bit was the Iron Lung and the Canmore Canada cup before the big BC Bike Race with Mical.

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