Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sunny Phoenix Daze Part 2

Not being satisfied with just a 2 hour ride Alana and I grabbed $ and a lot of food and just headed out. We have done a fair amount of MTB riding in PHX but haven't been on the road in 4 years. We did a bit of research and knew some of the areas, so we just headed in that direction.

Alana heading up and over Usery Pass. (Got the Phoenix sign in the background for those non believers. Just like the moon walk!!)

This side of Usery Pass is a low grade subtle climb. the other side? not so much! It is 6km and gains 200m. More on this side in another post. We headed up the Bush Hwy, hehe, to the major State Route 87. There is only about 6km of tight road and the rest of the day was pretty nice roads with good asphalt.

North on Fort McDowell Road we saw this:

Pecan trees being shaken up and collected. We knew by the short sleeves and shorts we were not in Calgary but this confirmed it. We rode up a bit farther and sampled some fresh nuts off the tree. Wow what a difference.

We followed this Dirt road up and thought about our Bike friends back home on their cross bikes. We were qutie far into the ride and came upon Rio Verde. A multi course golf community that has no convenience store. We kept pushing on and had a low moment when we found out that we were as far as we were going to get form home but still 25 minutes from food or water. I had run out long ago and Alana had a bit to share.

We made it to Troon and headed home. The fear of dieing was past and we took numerous breaks on the way back.

Alana hitting the 160km mark, a US century ride. Amazing from a girl who only started walking 3 weeks ago after 4 weeks no load bearing on her foot. Bunion surgery be damned, can't slow down the Tenacious Terrier. Well done Alana.

170km in Dec and home just in time for the 55+, Happy Hour. Although a bit late we both felt good and still went riding the next 2 days. More to come.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Now we go to our Reporter in the feild

Thanks Jeff, this is Jeff reporting to you from the sunny and warm city of Apache Junction on the East end of Phoenix.

I have been following the biking exploits of Jeff and Alana while they are on xmas vacation with their bikes. The two took the late Reindeer flight into Phoenix on xmas eve but not to late ot clutter the skies for Santa. "Early to bed, early to put the bikes together. Their was no usual xmas day fanfare as we made a last minute decision to come" says a beaming Alana.

Although they were up just a little late, they were quick to assemble the bikes and go for a 2.5 hour ride before family commitments and dinner.

We followed them up the Apache Trail on their way to Canyon Lake around the corner of the Superstition Mountains. The road is twisty and has some good grades to it. We viewed the pair being slowed up descending by the cars that could not negotiate the curves as well as the 2 cyclist.

Beautiful Canyon Lake minutes from the tiny town of Tortilla Flats, where it rumored to have the best Prickly Pear cactus ice cream.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Its getting Better out there

Burstall Pass 2 weeks in a row?? Yep, but with 15cm of new snow and the white stuff still falling it turned into a good little day. The boys promise me that there is skiing to be had that is not a 2 hour hike in!!!!

Rob coming to a stop after some sweet turns. Did he or did he not fall over?????????

Andrew cruising the pow pow!!

TJ beating the up track into submission.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Balance in Fun and Exercise

I was going thru my phone pictures the other day and found this little gem taken the morning of Grey Cup Sunday. We both were getting our run in before the game and all the beverages and snacks. Who says you can't have both. (well I guess the Rider fan who will go nameless that started drinking at noon S.P.)

Monday, December 6, 2010

The most Beautiful contry in the world!!!

I know a lot of K-Country from biking or hiking but this Alpine Touring is stunning. the small amount of snow we have had has just sprinkled the mountains allowing the contours and contrasts to come out.

We were sporting a bigger group with 6 of us heading up to Burstall Pass. Lots of people on the trial but our group slowly made its way thru.

We saw Brett coming out. He was up early and was testing things out on day one and didn't wan to push it to much. TJ and Meg were up the trial.

Beautiful views and good company. We even got some turns in, although there was the occasional sounds of rocks pinging off skis.

On the way out we met this small man who was just shoveling S%@T.