Monday, July 30, 2012

Day 3 -TR3 The Fat Lady has Sung

C'est Tout, C'est Fini!!!

3 times going head to head with Ian in Fernie. Shut out like the un-cool guy in Vegas by the bouncer.

I begged ( my legs), I bribed ( my head with treats), i lied (and said I felt good), I cried ( in private of course-not like This guy), but to no avail. 2nd again. Ian and I went back and forth more times than a ping pong ball today and I think I gave him a good race. I tried, I tried.

I am reading this book called The Procrastination Equation. The first 40 pages spoke heavy to me. Yes, it's about work and stuff but if you hold it in the right light it reads like a how to race book. Goal setting!!!!! I have used this in the past but it brought it to the forefront with some new angles.

GOALS: Day 1- ignore all else and try for a personal best, if I had a good one ya never know.
Day 2- up Gorby road in middle ring 2 over
Day 3-attack 3 times. First attack off the start to see if i could catch a good train on the flatter sections. Attack 2-the Downhills Megasauras and Verboten to see if I could make the break. i was able to hold a good gap with Travis setting a pace for me all the way to Island Lake lodge and then again near the summit. Attack 3? well didn't really plan that one. attacked a rolling portion of the last climb but my bad. It lead right into the bottom of a very steep climb and then hike a bike. Ian rode away with the beautiful Bow Vally watershed as his back drop.

Chapeau Mr. Auld, Chapeau

I have heard some grumblings about today's stage and i have to ask, did you look around? Today wasn't about the sweetest single track you have ever ridden it was the VIEWS. It is pretty cool to ascend thru a mountain pass and have the world's biggest painting in front of you. Also, to know that the water that falls on the south side runs south to the Elk and then  the USA and the north to the Bow and Calgary's drinking water. Peeing only allowed on south side. Reaching the summit of Mt Baldy you can see all the terrain we have been riding the last 3 days. Cool!

It's a bit of foreshadowing for the TR4. I'm biased but think the views are even better.  Wait till Jumping Pound/ Cox Hill. hehe I wrote Cox.

Pray we don't get this again. hahaha

Kidding This may be the best year for weather ever!!

Congrats to Mical Dyck for wrapping up the Solo Women's Category in style. That make 4 years at TR and 4 first places. Wow!!!!!!!

Keep an eye on the 100+ category on theTR7. Top 3 teams are only separated by 15mins and they are jostling stage positions!! More coverage to the "real people" riders of the world.

Open men's team close but I think will open up when Big John and Steph get on home turf.

And me??? well, I get to battle someone new. stay tuned dear reader, stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Jeff, the consistency demonstrated by you and Mr. Auld has been impressive. Great work. I can only imagine the effort that went into those attacks over the last 3 days. Thanks for being a part of the event again this year, looking forward to another 4 great days!
