Friday, March 23, 2007

Finally Made It to SA

Well I have arrived in SA after almost 35 hours of travel.

First stop was London where I had a 10 hour lay-over sooooo I jumped on the "tube" and headed down town. This is my first impression of London,Picadilly Circus. I know why it is called a circus, it had to be the busiest spot I have every been to. Cars whipping around, couriers dodging all the cars, people dodging the couriers, signs, stores.

I went for a walk-about and ended up at Buckingham Palace. Then back on the tube to wait 1 hour in the security line-up.

I travelled Virgin Atlantic to Cape Town. The service was incredible and I got ot play video games on the seat back TV. heh heh. I was playing Alpha dog with the guy next to me who thought he was intitiled to the whole arm rest. I slowly snuck my arm behind his and over the next 10 min pushed his arm forward until I had the arm rest. YEEEESS! Victory was mine.

Next Stop the ocean. yeep that's right that is the Indian Ocean behind Darrell and I. Notice that Darrell doesn't look nearly as tired as i do. I guess First Class on British Airways is better then economy ;).

The places are beautiful and dynamic. We drove through the city which is sacry as it is right hand drive and you have to drive on the left side of the road. More then once I heard" the ditch, the ditch, you almost in the F---ing ditch. Way more scary for Darrell I guess.

We went for a warm up ride and rode up the hill awasy from the town of Knysna. As soonas the ocean views were lost the shantys appeared. They truthfully are boxes with roofs. Your garden shed is built better. The people were smiling and waving to us and one litlle kid tried to keep pace for a minute. Tomorrow is the start and we are excitied to "get'er done".

Going to bed early nine local, 1300 in Calgary.



  1. Hey Jeff and Darrell,
    Good luck with the BIG DAY OUT.
    If caught behind a slow lagger shout "Regs" thats right or "Links" thats left or "Aaaagggg Neeee ek yet nie brakes" means holy crap no brakes I'm coming through.
    From your Tune up team

  2. Great to hear from you! Ride hard and eat lots! I'll keep working and paying bills here at home... ;)!
    Can't wait to get there - have you seen any animals yet (other than your feisty partner, Darrell)?

    See you next week,
    your loving wife, Alana
    Smoochers :)!

  3. Cheers guys! I read a fictional story (yeah, I read - Carol helps with the big words) called the Power of One (Probably read it too?). The story was based out of SA, and the main character (Peekay) was told a mantra to live by "Small beat big when small is smart. First with the head, then with the heart." It had to do with boxing, so maybe it doesn't apply (sheesh), but go out and find something big each day to beat, like a hill (no shortage of them, eh?), and you will be rewarded. Yahooo !! Also, great job guys !!
