Wednesday, September 26, 2012

is there a correlation between Top riders and Snobbery??

Interesting question, No?

We have all be subject to a shunning from a top rider at one time. They don't say hello when you see them at an event or race, or remember your name after you have met them several times. So does that make them a snob??

I am at a cross roads here, I like to think that I am not a snob but depends on when you meet me. Warming up for Nationals-no talking- focused, middle of hill repeats- no talking-can't, just finished race in which all wheels fell off- no talking-crying inside. So maybe take a look at the situation before passing judgement.

Not remembering your name, hmmmmm tough one. Maybe snob because they don't care to, maybe can't. Do you call your barrista a snob because they don't remember your name after you have told them countless times for call out? Elite racers race a lot. Therefore, they meet a lot of people. People look different between events, especially Independents who have no set kit. People look way different in civil attire as well. I almost rode past Keith Bayley when he had long hair.

Why the topic? I had someone tell me so-and-so is an ass because he never remembers me, Snob.

I have also been snubbed by countless Sport and Expert riders at events. Everyone is going thru the same feelings and emotions and are lost in the same thoughts, we just race at different times and for different lengths.

Instead of saying "I got snubbed by an Elite", try, "I got snubbed by another racer/rider".

Do you really care if they remember you. If you do keep introducing yourself and they will, I know. Try being "Mical's partner" for 2 years and see how many people remember your name.

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