Saturday, August 21, 2010

Updates Let's Start with BCBR

Sorry for the long pause in blogging. Trying to fit in 2 stage races and a house reno has taken a lot of time. I would not consider myself a good writer in the first place and trying to fit it in took the DFL spot on my agenda.



Another great year at the BCBR. The race itself took care of some of it's short comings from last year and made signifcant gains as a race. They seem to be getting the swing of things. The food was good, the course was great, the vollies helpful, etc... The only thing is the logistics, impossible to do anything about if you want to ride all the great trials they have.

Day 1 and 2 saw us racing up with Catharine and Geoff while running real scared of Wendy and Norm. Catarine Pendrel and Geoff Kabush were, and are again our National Champs, Wendy Simms and Norm Thibault have won countless stage races and own a clothing botiques supply of leaders jerseys.

Day 0 was a sub 10 minutes Time Trial to sort the field. Made for an interesting day then off to Naniamo. Our Friends Paul and Fazian won the open mens and have the jerseys to prove it**.

The starts were fast again this year due, in part, to the solo riders. They pace would climb and climb until selections were made and groups formed.

AS I am writing this 6 weeks after the event I will give the glossed over write up. The positions didn't change much, Geoff and Catharine 1st, Mical and I 2nd, Wendy and Norm 3rd. Wendy and Norm did beat us on Day 5 and Day 6 and took 2nd on the podium for the days. Our overall did not change but the battle was always on.

Mical was riding very strong and matched the intensity of the starts. I knew things would be diferent this year as she has been living in Victoria and riding lots. My technical ability came around again, "skills Camp With Mical".

I am signed up again for next year and will see how it goes again.

Alana and her Partner Kate won the open womens category in a fierce battle with 2nd. I will try to convince her to do a guest blog as some to the stories are awesome.

Lisa won the Masters Womens clear across. Lots of laundry now but not during the race.

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